Graduate Spotlight: Joe Harris


程控营销 & Strategic Communications


Joe Harris’ journey from Army veteran to honors student is an inspiring story. After enduring a life-changing ankle injury during his service, 伊利, Pennsylvania native found a new beginning in 圣安东尼奥.

34岁的时候, he was in the Brooke Army Medical Center's rehabilitation program with a 3% chance of ever walking again. Despite this, he found peace in the middle of it all. “I stared out the window every day and I felt hope. I knew 圣安东尼奥 was the place for me. Looking across downtown, all I could think of was good memories with the SPURS, 河边漫步, 海洋世界, 和德州嘉年华,他说。.

Transitioning out of the military was not easy, but Joe's determination to rebuild his life led him to St. 菲利普的 大学 in the Spring 2022 semester. “I searched while I was deciding w在这里 I wanted to live after rehab. I looked at schools with respiratory programs, and St. 菲利普的 大学 was one of the first that popped up. When I saw that the college was an HBCU and HSI, I knew I would fit in because of my ethnicity as an Afro-Cuban.”

乔在圣. 菲利普的. He has excelled mentally, medically, and academically while maintaining a 4.0 and earning the President’s Award every semester. His involvement in the Blue Blazer Society, serving as Vice President of Fellowship for Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society – Psi Kappa Chapter, and president of the Bowling Club at Tiger Lanes echoes his commitment to fostering a supportive environment for all.

这可能, Joe Harris will earn his Associate of Science Biology Pre-Major and will serve as the Spring 2024 Commencement Speaker. He plans to continue his education in the medical field as a respiratory therapist and later go to the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥.


For more information on the Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony, click 在这里.

Spring 2024 Commencement
4:00 p.m.